청구기호 |
QA76.5 .L65624 |
형태사항 |
1 electronic text (xxx, 319 p. : ill.) : PDF file.
총서명 |
McGraw Hill ebook library. Student study aids, Demystified self-teaching guides
언어 |
English |
일반주기 |
Print version c2004.
Includes index.
내용 |
Pt. 1. Personal computers. Processing information: inside the PC -- Storing information: disks, discs, and flash -- Getting information in: input -- Getting information out: output -- Pt. 2. Windows and file management. Working with Windows -- Working with files -- Pt. Buying and using a PC. Buying issues and considerations -- What and where to buy -- Supplies, services, and accessories -- Installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting -- Pt. 4. The Internet. Internet basics: going online -- Internet applications: cruising the Internet -- Internet security: protecting your PC -- Pt. 5. What you can do on a PC. Building a software portfolio -- Personal computing applications galore -- Working with digital media -- PC-based gaming -- Pt. 6. At home: networking and telecommuting. Building a home network -- Working@home.
주제 |
Computer software.
9780071469982 (ebook)
, 0071469982 (ebook)
, 0072255145 (print)