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New Arrivals
11문자 살인사건
히가시노 게이고
2024 AI 트렌드 : 한발 더 빠르게, 누구보다 깊이 있게 AI로 송두리째 바뀔 세상을 포착하다
20세기의 역사
Howard, Michael
50대 두 남자, 나를 찾아 떠나는 바르셀로나와 남프랑스 여행 : 지중해의 빛과 중년의 깊이가 더해진 두 남자의 유럽 여행기
Behemoth : a history of the factory and the making of the modern world
Freeman, Joshua Benjamin
Capitalism and modern social theory : an analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber
Giddens, Anthony
Children of the Sun : A History of Humanity's Unappeasable Appetite for Energy
Crosby, Alfred W
Classical dynamics : a contemporary approach
Saletan, Eugene J
Mandell, Charlotte
Empire and revolution : the political life of Edmund Burke
Bourke, Richard
English culture and the decline of the industrial spirit, 1850-1980
Wiener, Martin J
The English Reformation
Dickens, A. G
The Enlightenment : history of an idea
Vincenzo Ferrone
Essays in social history
Smout, T. C
Facing the anthropocene : fossil capitalism and the crisis of the earth system
Angus, Ian
Faraday rediscovered : essays on the life and work of Michael Faraday, 1791-1867
Gooding, David
The great rights of mankind : a history of the American Bill of Rights
Schwartz, Bernard
Handbook of energy transitions
Asif, Muhammad
A History of European socialism
Lindemann, Albert S
The infidel and the professor : David Hume, Adam Smith, and the friendship that shaped modern thought
Rasmussen, Dennis Carl